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The quarterly Advances in Psychiatry and Neurology is aimed at psychiatrists, neurologists as well as scientists working in related areas of basic and clinical research, psychology, social sciences and humanities. The journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, and - at the initiative of the Editorial Board – reflections or experiences on currently vivid theoretical and practical questions or controversies. All published papers are accessible in the Open Access system and on terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License (
dr hab. n. med. Łukasz Mokros e-mail: Thematic Editors Psychiatry prof. dr hab. n. med. Adam Wichniak dr hab. n. med. Jolanta Masiak, prof. UML Clinical Psychology dr n. hum. Daria Biechowska dr hab. n. med. Katarzyna Nowakowska-Domagała Clinical Pharmacology dr hab. n. med. Marcin Kosmalski Neurology dr n. med. Bartosz Bielecki dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Litwin, prof. IPiN Statistics Editor dr hab. n. med. Michał Karbownik, prof. UML Language Editor (English) Marta Robson Copyrights All authors must give their written consent to the paper publication. The corresponding author’s statement to the effect that all co-authors have read the paper and consented to its publication is also acceptable. When the paper is accepted for publication, all rights to use it are transferred to the journal owner and its copyrights. The paper may not be published by any other publisher. Upon publication, the paper is the property of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology and it may be used in full, regardless of the media and language, only upon written consent of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. All published papers are accessible in the Open Access system and on terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License ( If parts from other copyrighted works are included in the article, the author(s) must obtain written consent from the title owner and acknowledge the sources in the article. Rights to the article retained by the Author The rights to the article are usually transferred by the authors to the owner of the journal, who makes it available under the Creative Commons license. However, if the author does not want to transfer the copyright to the publisher, he/she may contact the editorial office and set separate rules - under which the editorial office may publish an article in the journal. For the detailed information, please contact with editorial office. The journal is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science for the following tasks:
Dissemination of scientific articles and information about the journal, including the costs of adapting technical means - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science. Upowszechnianie artykułów naukowych oraz informacji o czasopiśmie, w tym koszty dostosowania środków technicznych - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki. Purchase of a license for the use of editorial and publishing management software for the years 2022 – 2023 - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science. Zakup licencji na korzystanie z oprogramowania do zarządzania pracami edytorskimi i wydawniczymi na lata 2022 – 2023 - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki. The task of verifying and correcting abstracts and scientific articles accepted for publication in the Journal - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science. Realizacja zadania polegającego na dokonywaniu weryfikacji i korekty streszczeń i artykułów naukowych zaakceptowanych do publikacji w czasopiśmie - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0152/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki.
eISSN: 2720-5371
ISSN: 1230-2813 |