ONLINE, 15.10.2020 - 17.10.2020

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Thursday, October 15th
12:00 - 13:00
Basic Dermoscopy
Moderator: C. Conforti
12:00 - 12:20
Basic dermoscopy structures
12:20 - 12:45
Dermoscopic tricky cases- from beginners to experts
R. Karls
12:45 - 13:00
12:00 - 13:00
Basic Trichoscopy
Moderator: A. Waskiel-Burnat
12:00 - 12:20
Basic trichoscopy structures
L. Rudnicka
12:20 - 12:40
Basic trichoscopy cases
A. Rakowska
12:40 - 13:00
Virtual Hall (1+2)
13:00 - 13:15
I. Zalaudek, A. Lallas, L. Rudnicka, G. Kaminska-Winciorek
13:15 - 15:10
Moderator: K.Peris, W. Stolz
13:15 - 13:30
The story of dermoscopy
H.P. Soyer
13:30 - 13:45
The spectrum of dermoscopy today and tomorrow
I. Zalaudek
13:45 - 14:00
What is new in dermoscopy
A. Lallas
14:00 - 14:15
The dermoscopy cases from which I have learned most
G. Argenziano
14:15 - 14:30
The value ot trichoscopy beyond dermatology
L. Rudnicka
14:30 - 14:45
Tips and tricks in dermoscopy
G. Kaminska-Winciorek
14:45 - 15:10
15:10 - 15:15
15:15 - 17:05
General dermoscopy
Moderator: G. Kamiska-Winciorek
15:15 - 15:30
Why I like dermatoscopy: Blink, think, and compare
W. Stolz
15:30 - 15:45
A man against a machine - machine-learning algorithms in dermoscopy approach
H. Hänßle
15:45 - 16:00
Digital dermoscopy and total body photography in clinical practice
S. Puig
16:00 - 16:15
Dermoscopy algoritms in clinical practice. Where are we now?
K. Nielsen
16:15 - 16:30
Non-pigmented lesions ( flat/ elevated/ nodular)
R. Karls
16:30 - 16:45
Dermoscopy and teledermatology: a winning combination
Paola Pasquali
16:45 - 17:05
17:05 - 17:15
17:15 - 19:30
Moderator: G. Kaminska-Winciorek
17:15 - 17:30
Dermoscopy of congenital and non-congenital nevus associated-melanoma
I. Zalaudek
17:30 - 17:45
Melanoma has many faces - from spot to the tumor
H. Kittler
17:45 - 18:00
Neck melanoma
18:00 - 18:15
The good, the bad, and the ugly on the face
W. Stolz
18:15 - 18:30
Cameleon melanoma
A. Blum
18:30 - 18:45
Dermoscopy of pediatric and adolescent melanomas- should we be afraid?
A. Scope
18:45 - 19:00
Spitz nevus, atypical spitzoid tumor and spitzoid melanoma - dermoscopic clues and management.
E. Moscarella
19:00 - 19:30
15:15 - 17:05
Trichoscopy in special situations
Moderator: A. R. Sprenger
15:15 - 15:30
Trichoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic
A. Tosti
15:30 - 15:40
New trichoscopy structures in 2020
A. Rakowska
15:40 - 15:50
Trichoscopy findings in patients with alopecia secondary to esthetic procedures
D. Asz Sigall
15:50 - 16:00
Trichoscopy evaluation of Low-dose minoxidil in female androgenetic alopecia
R. Pirmez
16:00 - 16:10
Trichoscopy in hair transplantation
S. Vano-Galvan
16:10 - 16:20
Differential diagnosis of nevus sebaceous on the scalp
T. M. Deinlein
16:20 - 16:30
Trichoscopy-guided biopsy
C. Vincenzi
16:30 - 17:05
17:05 - 17:15
17:15 - 18:20
New techniques in hair and nails
Moderator: D. Ioannides
17:15 - 17:25
Red light Onychoscopy.
G. Pellacani
17:25 - 17:35
Onychoscopy made easier – tips and tricks
S. B. Daruwalla
17:35 - 17:45
Cross-polarized trichoscopy
R. Dhurat
17:45 - 17:55
Panoramic trichoscopy
L. Abraham
17:55 - 18:05
Scalp marking tools
P. Acharya
18:05 - 18:20
18:20 - 20:00
Trichoscopy and dermoscopy in general medicine
Moderator: C. Scharf
18:20 - 18:30
Systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis and dermatomyositis in trichoscopy
P. Suchonwanit
18:30 - 18:40
Sarcoidosis in dermoscopy
A. Pietkiewicz
18:40 - 18:50
Capillaroscopy in systemic sclerosis. Is there a role for a handheld dermoscope?
EN Cohen Sabban
18:50 - 19:00
Dermoscopy in limfoproliferative disorders
Geller S
19:00 - 19:10
Can we identify the cause of eyebrow loss
Y. Ovcharenko, K. Khobzey
19:10 - 20:00
Friday, October 16th
Virtual Hall (1+2)
13:00 - 14:55
Moderator: N. Lordkipanidze
13:00 - 13:20
Unusual presentations of acral lesions
M. Tanaka (Asia)
13:20 - 13:40
Dermoscopy cases from which I learned most
H. Cabo (South America)
13:40 - 14:00
Basal cell carcinoma: the old and the new
A. Marghoob (North America)
14:00 - 14:20
The Menzies Method-what would I change in 2020
S. Menzies (Australia)
14:20 - 14:40
Difficult nail cases
L. Thomas (Europe)
14:40 - 14:55
Pigmented squamous cell carcinoma in situ
H. Rabinowitz (North America)
14:55 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy
Moderator: M. Sar-Pomian
15:00 - 15:10
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy in facial lentigo maligna
D. Tiodorovic
15:10 - 15:20
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy in Pagets disease
Z. Apalla
15:20 - 15:30
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy in scalp tumors
A. Sadek
15:30 - 15:40
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy in nail tumors.
A. Lencastre
15:40 - 16:00
15:00 - 16:00
Inflammoscopy, entomodermoscopy and mucoscopy
Moderators: J. Liu, M. Modesto Lima
15:00 - 15:10
Basic principles of applying dermoscopy in general dermatology
A. Lallas
15:10 - 15:20
Standardization of dermoscopic terminology and basic dermoscopic parameters to evaluate in general dermatology (non-neoplastic dermatoses)
E. Errichetti
15:20 - 15:30
Mucoscopy in general dermatology
A.Kumar Jha
15:30 - 16:00
Virtul Hall (1+2)
16:00 - 16:45
What every doctor should know about the role of sunscreens in skin protection
Moderator: L. Rudnicka
16:00 - 16:20
Sunscreens - facts and myths
H. Lim
16:20 - 16:40
Keeping Sunscreens Simple
H. Lui
16:40 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
Dermoscopy- histology correlations
Moderator: C. Stefanato
17:00 - 17:15
Dermoscopic structures and its histologic correlations in melanocytic nevi
H. Kittler
17:15 - 17:25
Vascular patterns in dermoscopy and histopathology
17:25 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:00
Dermoscopy documentation
17:30 - 17:45
The golden rules of dermoscope documentation - from paper to the digital world and DICOM
J. Malvehy
17:45 - 18:00
18:00 - 18:05
18:05 - 19:30
Cases from our practice - tumors
Moderator: S. Hayes

Benign vascular lesions within genital area
K. Szmigiel, G. Kamińska-Winciorek, I. Kozak-Darmas, A. Olejek

Dermoscopic rainbow pattern – not only Kaposi’s sarcoma
M. Żychowska

A papular epidermal nevus with "Skyline" basal cell layer In an infant
M. J. Aan Koh

Atypical spitzoid tumors
K. Englert, K. Basta-Klonowska, K. Polak-Kokoszka A. Wojas-Pelc

Not malignant but malingering melanoma. A case of fake melanoma
P. Pietkiewicz

Melanoma During Pregnancy
A. Malevic, N. Jarusina, J. Grigaitiene

Dermoscopy of skin cancers in immunosuppressed patients
A. Gerkowicz, A. Michalak-Stoma, M. Jazienicki, D. Krasowska

Dermoscopy of cutaneous metastases of prostate cancer
J. Golińska, M. Sar-Pomian

A Nevoid Melanoma
V. Todorovska

Melanoma of unknown primary site in a patient with multiple dysplastic nevi
K. Englert, K. Basta-Klonowska, K. Polak-Kokoszka A. Wojas-Pelc

Anaplastic Large Cell Cd30+ Cutaneous Lymphoma
RJ Ton, J. Rados, I. Ilic, M. Bradamante, D Stulhofer Buzina, R. Ceovic, D. Ledic Drvar

Desmoplastic Nevus
A. Szmurło, M. Kędzierska, J. Sicińska, I. Walecka

Atypical nevus or psoriasis
L. Lukaviciute, E. Simanaviciene, J. Grigaitiene
17:00 - 18:00
Moderator: M. Kurzeja
17:00 - 17:10
Inflammatory lesions in children
F. Lacarrubba
17:10 - 17:20
Psoriasis – the changing dermoscopy features
17:20 - 17:30
E. Errichetti
17:30 - 17:40
Parasitic infections
G. Micali
17:40 - 18:00
18:00 - 18:05
18:05 - 19:30
From onychoscopy to therapy
18:05 - 18:20
Isolated nail psoriasis – from onychoscopy to therapy
B. Piraccini
18:20 - 18:30
Isolated nail lichen planus. From onychoscopy to therapy
M. Iorizzo
18:30 - 18:40
Dermoscopy-guided biopsy in inflammatory diseases of the nail apparatus
M. Sar-Pomian
18:40 - 18:50
Trachyonychia – from onychoscopy to therapy
M. Starace
18:50 - 19:00
Onychoscopy in longitudinal melanonychia. Focus on patients with dark skin phototypes
M. Agrawal
19:00 - 19:30
Saturday, October 17th
Virtual Hall (1+2)
08:00 - 08:20
The current approach for locoregionally advanced melanoma
P. Rutkowski

Moderator: G. Kaminska-Winciorek

08:20 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:00
Colors and shapes in dermoscopy.
Dermoscopic updates in malignant tumors.
Moderator: P. Rubegni
09:00 - 09:15
Red tumors - what can the vessels tell us
J. Kreusch
09:15 - 09:30
White - dermoscopy based on white shining structures
R. Braun
09:30 - 09:45
Black - melanoma simulators in dermoscopy
J. Bowling
09:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
10:05 - 12:00
Updates in dermoscopy of skin tumors
Moderator: A. Sharma
10:05 - 10:20
Mucosal tumor lesions. When should I cut them out?
A. Blum
10:20 - 10:35
Shapes in dermoscopy: Clods - diagnostic clue in dermoscopy
P. Tschandl
10:35 - 10:45
The relevance of distinction between thin versus thick melanomas
D. Sgouros
10:45 - 10:55
Clues for recognizing collision tumors
R. Peralta
10:55 - 11:05
Malignant collision tumors
P. Zaballos
11:05 - 11:15
Eyelid margin tumours
M. Sobjanek
11:15 - 11:25
Dermoscopic features of basal cell carcinoma and its subtypes
O. Reiter
11:25 - 11:35
Small-diameter melanomas - dermoscopy and digital dermoscopy follow-up
G. Salerni
11:35 - 11:45
Dermoscopic presentation of melanoma in patients with multiple BCC
M. Slowinska
11:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:05
12:05 - 13:05
Tips and tricks in dermoscopy
Moderator: B. Lytvynenko
12:05 - 12:20
How to perform a dermoscopic examination so you don't miss skin neoplasms
A. Lallas
12:20 - 12:35
Prediction without Pigment: an algorithmic method for non-pigmented skin lesions
C. Rosendahl
12:35 - 12:50
Technological advancement pearls in dermoscopy - An essential and useful update
S. Sonthalia
12:50 - 13:05
Teledermoscopy for the practicing dermatologist
T. Tejasvi
09:00 - 10:00
From Trichoscopy to Therapy. Whats new?
Moderator: Myrto-Georgia Trakatelli
09:00 - 09:10
Androgenetic alopecia
L. Rudnicka
09:10 - 09:20
Alopecia areata
A. Waskiel-Burnat
09:20 - 09:30
Aplasia cutis congenita
A. M. Piniero
09:30 - 09:40
Pressure alopecia
H. Martínez Suarez
09:40 - 09:50
Occipital frontal fibrosing alopecia
T. Siliuk
09:50 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
10:05 - 12:00
From Trichoscopy to Therapy. Whats new?
10:05 - 10:15
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
B. Estrada
10:15 - 10:25
Frontal fibrosing alopecia
A. Donati
10:25 - 10:35
Dissecting cellulitis
D. Melo
10:35 - 10:45
Folliculitis decalvans
Tülin Güleç
10:45 - 10:55
Traction alopecia
S. Daruwalla
10:55 - 11:05
Tinea capitis
H. Moneib
11:05 - 11:15
Syphilitic alopecia
I. Doche
11:15 - 11:25
Lymphoma of the scalp
M. Sławińska
11:25 - 11:35
Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp
M. Starace
11:35 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:05
12:05 - 13:00
Cases from our practice - trichoscopy, onychoscopy, inflammoscopy
Moderators: A. Sharma, M.Fida

Prospective dermoscopic observation towards acute and chronic gvhd in patients after allogeneic hematopietic bone marrow transplantation?
A. Szlauer-Stefanska, G. Kaminska-Winciorek

Central cicatrical alopecia in a black African man. Trichoscopy - histology correlation
N. Enechukwu

Acantholytic dermatoses in dermoscopy
M. Kurzeja

Drug-induced folliculitis in trichoscopy
J. Czuwara, K. Fret, J. Nowaczyk

Annular atrophic lichen planus
J. Radoš, D. Ledić Drvar, D. Lončarić , B. Kovačević

Ochronosis - a disease or a symptom?
M. Maj

Trichoscopy of follicular mucinosis coexisting with alopecia areata

Unilateral Segmental Darier Disease
J. Radoš, A. Balić, R. Jurakić Tončić, D. Lončarić

Can we suspect systemic sclerosis on the basis of trichoscopy
A. Stochmal

Can we suspect systemic lupus erythematosus on the basis of hair loss and trichoscopy
M. Kotowska

Morphea en coup the sabre mimicking alopecia areata
A. Czaplicka

Dermoscopy of cutanoeus lesions in the course of acute leukemia
L. Blicharz

Seborrheic dermatitis? Are you sure?
A. Doroshkevich
Virtual Hall (1+2)
13:05 - 13:20
L. Rudnicka, G. Kaminska-Winciorek