OSTO Symposium during the 5th PTBiŁ Convention
Already on 29 March 2025, the the largest student event in the field of shoulder and elbow surgery in Poland. We invite students of all medical faculties to participate in the OSTO Symposium during the 5th Congress of the Polish Shoulder and Elbow Society.
This year we have planned a solid, this year we have planned a solid dose of knowledge about the shoulder and elbow for both medical and physiotherapy students. Both medical and physiotherapy students. The event will feature well-known Polish experts who will share their knowledge in an attractive and friendly manner. Also planned is the participation of special guest Dr Brad Bushnell, who is a prominent international figure in the field of sports medicine and shoulder and elbow surgery.
There will also be a scientific session, during which students from all over Poland will be able to share the results of their scientific work. The session winners will receive attractive prizes, including a one-week internship with Prof. Dr Przemysław Lubiatowski at the Rehasport Clinic.
Do not miss out!
Mateusz Nawrocki, Polish National Student Orthopaedic Association
Jan Niziński, SKN Sports Traumatology UMP, Rehasport Clinic
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Praca naukowa studencka 1 - 7 min prezentacji + 3 min dyskusji
Praca naukowa studencka 2 - 7 min prezentacji + 3 min dyskusji
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Praca naukowa studencka 4 - 7 min prezentacji + 3 min dyskusji
Praca naukowa studencka 5 - 7 min prezentacji + 3 min dyskusji
Praca naukowa studencka 6 - 7 min prezentacji + 3 min dyskusji
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