POZNAN, 18.10.2024 - 20.10.2024

Panel of abstracts

Dear Sirs,

we invite you to actively participate in the conference and submit abstracts of papers:


Submission of abstracts - information general

  • The abstract must be submitted in Polish and English, in the form of a Word document.
  • It is allowed to submit abstracts (own papers) presented at other conferences in the the last 12 months
  • The summary should include the basic details of the study: purpose, methodology, results and conclusions. Commonly used abbreviations are acceptable, others should be explained. Names of drugs may be given according to the nomenclature international.
  • It is also acceptable to submit abstracts in the form of a case report: introduction, case description, discussion, conclusions
  • Abstracts may be submitted only via the online participant system participants.
  • In order to submit an abstract you must first register on the Convention website (see Register register).


  • The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31.07.2024.
  • Works submitted after this deadline will not be accepted. Neither will entries submitted by post, fax or e-mail will not be accepted either.
  • Each submitted abstract will be qualified for acceptance anonymously by independent reviewers.
  • Reviewers' assessment Until 31.08.2024.
  • Notification to authors of acceptance or rejection of the work and the form of presentation by 15.09.2024 r.

Subject categories of abstracts:

- widely phlebology topics related to diseases of the veins and the lymphatic system lymphatic system.


Layout and content of the summary

  • The summary must include:
    1. Title (without abbreviations, in CAPITAL LETTERS).
    2. Names of all authors and their affiliations.
    3. The content of the abstract, which should include a brief introduction and purpose of the study, a description of the material and methods, results obtained and conclusions. No more than 1000 words with tables and graphs.
    4. The abstract should be accompanied by the name and surname of the author for correspondence with an e-mail address and a telephone number telephone number.
  • Do not include drawings, address of the institution (street, code), degrees, names of grants sponsoring the study, and literature.

How to submit a summary?

Before submitting an abstract you must first register as a congress participant (tab "Registration").

Abstracts will not be honoured if they do not meet the above criteria and the the abstracts preparation requirements discussed above.



Register summary