POZNAN, 25.11.2022 - 26.11.2022

Register an Application

1. Abstract submission deadline – November 13th 2022.

2. Notification of paper acceptance or rejection - November 17st 2022.

3. The author(s) can submit more than one abstract.

4. The final presentation (poster form) will be confirmed when the reviewers have accepted the abstract for presentation at the symposium.

5. The abstract should be written in English.

6. The abstract should be maximum 250 words (with spaces) long (the title, author’s/co-author’s/co-authors’ name(s) and affiliation are excluded from the word count).

7. Abstract structure:

  • Title
  • Author(s) – full author’s/co-author’s/co-authors’ name and surname
  • Speaker – full name and surname
  • Speaker’s e-mail
  • Speaker’s telephone number
  • Author’s/co-author’s/co-authors’ affiliation (institution – full official
    name of the institution to which the author and each co-author is affiliated,

    city/town and country)
  • Key words – maximum 6
  • Abstract content:
    • Introduction
    • Case history and examination
    • Treatment
    • Results
    • Conclusion

8. Do not include any data in the abstract which could help identify the author(s) and the institution, which sponsors the paper.

9. Each submission will be anonymously reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Papers selected for presentation will be published in …, which will be distributed among symposium participants together with other conference materials.

10. Abstract submission means that consent of all co-authors and the head of the institution which sponsors the paper has been obtained.

11. The person submitting the abstracts will be automatically registered as a contact person.

12. An abstract can be presented at the symposium on condition that the speaker has registered at the conference and that the registration fee has been paid.


The poster evaluation is scheduled for November 25th at 1.00-1.30 pm.

Ask for approval of your work during the session in order to get answers to any questions you may have.

We send a poster in the size of 70 x100 cm (vertical orientation).

Two posters will be awarded.

Rating committee: Lorenzo Garagnani, Paweł Reichert, Ewa Bręborowicz