eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 18
Original paper

Mobbing in nurses’ work

Kazimiera Zdziebło
Ewa Kozłowska

Online publish date: 2010/05/11
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Introduction. Violence in nurses’ work is not a new phenomenon, but only several years ago in the world and in recent years in Poland the
interest of this phenomenon has begun, as well as analysis of its source and consequences.
The occurrence of aggression in the place of work may take different forms and independently of them it is factor which in fundamental way
influences on mental health, motivation to work and its effectiveness. The violence regardless of its intensity, composes one of the most
serious professional stress and may cause consequences in the range of mental, physical, social and occupational functioning.

Aim of the study. The aim of the study was the trial to define the range of phenomenon, the analysis of the sources, causes and forms of
mobbing as well as its consequences in the group of nurses depending on education and place of work.

Material and methods. The research was performed by diagnostic poll with the use of questionnaire in the group of 198 randomly chosen
nurses who work in outpatient and inpatient health service in Swietokrzyski province.

Results. It results from the research that 40.4% of responders experienced aggression in work. The statistic dependence of the range of
mobbing to education was stated (82.2% nurses with high education) as well as the place of work (74% in treatment units). As authors of
mobbing the responders pointed their superiors (83%); 57.3% - nurses, and 23.2% doctors. Right up to 87.6% of responders reported health
problems caused by mobbing. In the opinion of 80.5% of responders, mobbing negatively influenced on the effectiveness of their work.

Conclusions. Nurses in their work are exposed to different forms of aggression. The perpetrators of mobbing are mostly superiors - nurses, what
can testify about imperfection of management in this professional group. It seems that there is a need to lead the anti mobbing prevention.

Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (2): 212-219

mobbing; violence; aggressor

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