eISSN: 1644-4116
ISSN: 1429-8538
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vol. 21
Original paper

Optimism and health locus of control in patients with head and neck cancer and psychological adaptation to disease

Irena Milaniak
1, 2
Ewa Wilczek-Rużyczka

  1. Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii Serca, Naczyń i Transplantologii, Krakowski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Jana Pawła II
  2. Instytut Zdrowia, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Sączu
  3. Wydział Psychologii i Nauk Humanistycznych, Katedra Psychologii Zdrowia, Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Psychoonkologia 2017, 21 (1): 29-35
Online publish date: 2017/09/26
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Introduction: The epidemiological data indicate that head and neck cancers account for more than 6% of all cancers, and are the cause of approximately 5% deaths. The most common type of head and neck cancer is the larynx cancer, which is on the sixth/seventh place in terms of morbidity and mortality among men. Distortion and functional defects caused by the disease and its treatment have very negative effects on the psychological and social domains of life.

The aim of the study: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of optimism and a sense of locus of control on the psychological adaptation to cancer.

Material and methods: The study was conducted in March 2012 among 50 patients from Outpatient Clinic of Head and Neck Cancer Oncology Centre in Krakow. Study consisted of 17 women (34%) and 33 men (66%), aged 32 to 72 years, and suffering from the disease from 5 months to 10 years. A questionnaire used in the study consisted of eight questions characterizing a study group, Life Orientation Test (LOT-R), Multidimensional Scale of Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale, and Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC).

Results and conclusions: Analysis of the results showed that optimism significantly influenced both the level of fighting spirit (23%) and the level of positive revaluation (12%). In case of health locus of control, internal control had a significant impact on the fighting spirit. In case of destructive strategy, the most significant effect of the internal control had both the level of helplessness-hopelessness and anxiety absorbed, reducing the level of their value.

health locus of control, optimism, psychological adaptation

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