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vol. 49

Original article
Ultrastructural pathology of cortical capillary pericytes in human traumatic brain oedema

Orlando J. Castejón

Folia Neuropathol 2011; 49 (3): 162-173
Online publish date: 2011/09/30
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The behaviour of pericytes has been explored under experimental conditions and in some neuro­pathological states [1,8,13,30,44-46,55,67]. Brierley and Brown [6] described pericyte degeneration, but not phagocytic activity, in cerebral infarct. Semchen­ko et al. [62] found poorly metabolized metabolites in the pericytal cytoplasm in patients with brain tu­mours. Castejón [10] described the ultrastructural changes of pericytes in human brain oedema asso­ciated with congenital malformations, brain trauma, and brain tumours. Jeynes [31] described an increas­ed number of acid phosphatase positive granular pe­ricytes with accumulating lipid components after ischaemic insult. Liu [42] reported active and proli­ferative activities of pericytes in the neovasculature in ischaemic brain infarct. Herman and Jacobson [28] confirmed the presence of pericyte filament-enriched processes in hypertensive rat brains, and suggested an important role of pericytes in hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases. Glees et al. [21] described oedematous hypertrophic pericytes in hydrocephalic human infants demonstrating brain-barrier dysfunction. Schlingemann et al. [61] found an increased number of pericytes positively stained with human high molecular weight-melanoma associated antigen (HMW-MAA), in conditions associated with vascular proliferation in tumours and healing wounds. Liwnicz et al. [40] showed pericyte degene­ration and thickening of basement membrane of cerebral microvessels in intractable complex partial seizures. Tagami et al. [66,67] observed granular and filamentous pericytes in stroke-prone spontaneous­ly hypertensive rats. These authors postulated the granular pericytes as scavenger cells, and found filamentous pericyte degeneration during development of hypertension.

Wegiel and Wisniewski [74] reported the presen­ce of tubulo-reticular structures in pericytes in brain biopsies of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. According to Perimutter [53], pericytes have been implicated in vascular alterations and cerebrovascular amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease. Robinson et al. [59] found proliferation of pericytes (pericytosis) in a distinctive variant of meningioma associated with severe peritumoural oedema. Verbeek et al. [72] found rapid degeneration of cultured human brain pericytes with increased production of cellular amyloid precursor beta protein. Bertossi et al. [5] reported pinocytotic vesicles and phagocytic bodies in pericytes of peritumoural capillaries. Popova and Zagrebina [57] described destructive changes of pericytes in atherosclerotic dementia.

Verbeek et al. [73] studied the relation between the amyloid-beta induced degeneration of human brain pericytes with the apolipoprotein E genotype. Frontczak-Baniewicz et al. [20] presented evidence of pericyte migration through the capillary basement membrane in rat focal brain compression. Dore-Duffy et al. [15] reported similar findings in rat traumatic brain injury. According to these authors, non-migrating pericytes showed rapid degenerative changes. Lupo et al. [42] described pericyte shrinkage of the cell body, retraction of processes, and disruption of the intracellular actin network induced by in vitro amyloid beta incubation of retina capillaries.

Gonul et al. [22] found an early pericyte response and migration to brain hypoxia in cats. Hayashi et al. [20], studying the effects of hypoxia on an endothelial/pericytic co-cultured model of the blood-brain barrier, considered that pericytes affect the endo­thelial cells by secreting factors or through a gap junction. Melgar et al. [50] found detachment and migration of pericytes in an awake model of transient forebrain ischaemia in rats. Yamaghisi and Imaizumi [75] described the pathological role of peri­cyte loss or dysfunction in various devastating disorders such as diabetic retinopathy, atherosclerosis and tumour angiogenesis. Dore-Duffy et al. [16] and De Gracia et al. [11] found TUNEL positive pericyte cell death following animal traumatic brain injury. Li et al. [38] postulated a key role of pericytes in vascular remodelling, and in the pathogenesis of vascular malformations.

Hayden et al. [22] pointed to the possibility of the pericyte cell being one of many contributors to the fibrogenic pool of cells important for peri-islet fibrosis as a result of excess angiotensin II at the local tissue level in the Ren2 rat model of hypertension.

Typical changes of the pericytes featuring accumulation of lipofuscin-like material and their dege­neration were reported by Szpak et al. [64] in fami­lial amyloid and non-amyloid angiopathies. Ammoury et al. [3] reported abundant electron-dense membrane-bound granules in pericytes in a patient with photoexposed hyperpigmented skin after amioda­rone treatment. Hayden et al. [22-24] demonstrated significant pericapillary amyloid deposition and di­minution of pericyte foot processes in pericytes in the HIP rat model of diabetes.

According to Hayden et al. [23], hypercellularity consisting of pericytes and inflammatory cells is observed in T2DM pancreatic tissue. Organized fibrillar collagen was closely associated with pericytes, which are known to differentiate into myofibroblast-pancreatic stellate cells.

Piquer-Gil et al. [56] provided direct evidence that the cell fusion process contributes to the formation of pericytes after stroke. In mice, the authors detected X-gal-positive cells that expressed vimentin and desmin, specific markers of mature murine pericytes. They concluded that cell fusion participates actively in the generation of vascular tissue through pericyte formation under normal as well as pathological conditions.

Shi [63] demonstrated that cochlear pericytes are markedly affected by acoustic trauma and displayed an abnormal morphology and lost their tight asso­ciation with endothelial cells. The author demonstrated that the levels of the pericyte structural protein desmin substantially increased after noise ex­posure in both guinea pigs and mice, with a corresponding increase in pericyte coverage of vessels.

Li et al. [39] described narrow or occluded blood vessels sometimes with contracted endothelial cells and pericytes in malignant breast tumours. Pavlov et al. [53] reported a reduced count of pericytes in peripheral arteriovenous and venous angiodysplasias.

Van der Avoort et al. [70] found by means of electron microscopy detachment of pericytes from vascular endothelial cells in lichen sclerosus for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma.

Gerrits et al. [25] recently described that about 70% of the pericytes contained degenerative inclusions in changes in oestrogen- sensitive brainstem structures of aging female hamsters. Lewandowska et al. [37] observed the reduction and loss of pericytes in capillary vessel wall in CADASIL angiopathy. Accord­ing to Medrado et al. [49], low level laser therapy induc­ed the proliferation and migration of pericytes to the extracellular matrix and their phenotypic modulation to myofibroblasts during tissue repair during experimental skin wound healing in Wistar rats.

Fisher et al. [18] demonstrated in selected cases, by means of electron microscopy, pericyte involvement in cerebral microbleeds in the elderly.

The present review is devoted to examining the pericyte swollen and degenerative changes, reactive response, phagocytic activity, contractile properties, and blood-barrier dysfunction involvement in hu­man and complicated traumatic brain injuries. In this context, traumatic human brain oedema constitutes an excellent model to study pericyte blood-brain barrier involvement. Attention is therefore focused on the pericytal mechanisms in enhanced cerebrovascular permeability. The comparative behaviour of the endothelial cell-pericyte unit is also described, mainly in relation to transcapillary exchange and capillary contractility.

Pericyte morphological changes in moderate and severe traumatic brain oedema

Oedematous pericytes

In capillaries localized in moderate oedematous traumatic areas, the pericytes, always enclosed by a thickened basement membrane, exhibit increased hypolemmal micropinocytotic transport, slightly di­lated rough endoplasmic reticulum, and moderate hydropic changes of the cytoplasmic matrix. The mi­tochondria also show oedematous changes of their matrix and cristae. Additionally, lipid droplets, primary and secondary lysosomes, small protein-containing vacuoles, coated vesicles and clear and dark microtubules are found (Fig. 1).

In severe oedematous areas, where structural damage of the basement membrane is encountered, a remarkable pericytal swelling occurs, characterized by lacunar enlargement of rough endoplasmic reti­culum containing haematogenous oedema fluid. There is also an increased number of pleomorphic and swollen mitochondria, and deposition of large lipid droplets. In these oedematous pericytes the rough endoplasmic reticulum canaliculi appear as an enlarged prominent circulatory system connecting the basement membrane with the perinuclear cistern (Fig. 2).

Some micropinocytotic vesicles appear connected to the rough endoplasmic reticulum canaliculi, apparently discharging their content into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. This orientated transport toward the endoplasmic reticulum partially explains the subsequent lacunar enlargement of endoplasmic cisterns, which appear to contain proteinaceous oedema fluid.

Oedematous pericytes have also been earlier reported in delayed radionecrosis of the brain by McDonald and Hayes [48]. Conversely, in anoxic-ischae­mic lesions Hills [30] did not report pericyte oedema, and supposed that these cells possess different metabolic characteristics from the endothelium, and are capable of a greater degree of anaerobic independence. Also, extensive intrapericytic oedema was observed by Dodson et al. [13,14] in animals with longer periods of ischaemia, presumably due to sustained anoxic-ischaemic lesions.

Pericyte degeneration

In very severely oedematous areas where hae­ma­togenous oedema fluid is present in enlarged neuropile extracellular spaces and notable thickening of the basement membrane is seen, the pericyte cells suffer degenerative changes characterized by discontinuous plasma membrane, wide communications between the pericytal cytoplasm, damaged basement membrane matrix, hydropic changes of the Golgi apparatus and vacuolization [9,10].

As depicted in Fig. 3, areas of rarefaction with focal necrosis of pericyte cytoplasmic matrix are found. Due to these alterations, these cells have been considered as degenerated pericytes. These findings show that in traumatic brain oedema pericytes progressively lose their barrier function and develop intrinsic hydropic changes leading to pericyte necrotic areas.

Degenerative changes of pericytes have also been reported by Brierley and Brown [6], and Liwnicz et al. [40] after intractable complex partial seizures, and by Verbeek et al. [72,73], Lupo et al. [42], and Rensink et al. [58] following amyloid beta deposition.

Hypertrophic pericytes

After a traumatic injury of long evolution time, the pericyte may exhibit hypertrophic changes cha­racterized by an increased amount of endoplasmic reticulum, which exhibits a labyrinthine aspect, and voluminous processes, which induce basement membrane splitting [10]. Hypertrophy of some pericytes was observed by Maxwell and Kruger [46] as a limited reactive response following low doses of irradiation. Pericyte hypertrophic changes have also been reported by Markov and Dimova [44] in chro­nic poisoning, and by Glees et al. [21] in hydrocepha­lic human infants. Additionally, simultaneous vacu­olization and deposition of glycogen granules are observed in the pericytal cytoplasm. The presence of an increased amount of glycogen granules in pericytes as herein observed in traumatic brain oedema is an unusual finding (Fig. 4).

Glycogen granules have been observed in small amounts in brain pericytes [46] following brain irradiation, and have not been seen even in related cells such as microglial cells [52]. The abnormal deposition of glycogen in pericytes presumably reflects poor oxygen consumption or a high rate of anaerobic metabolism due to the brain trauma and perifocal brain oedema.

We have not found evidence of transformation of pericytes into microglial cells, for example, images of a pericyte in the course of separation from the vascular wall as described in experimental animal studies [33,51,65,71]. Similarly, Dodson et al. [14] do not report transformation of pericytes into phagocytes in cerebral ischaemia. It has been postulated that pericytes may divide and send off daughter cells into the nervous tissue, where they become either macrophages [46] or activated microglia [7,33]. Pericyte migration was earlier denied by Kitamura [33] in traumatic brain lesions. However, more recent investigations have demonstrated pericyte migration in traumatic brain injuries [15], and after focal brain compression [20] as an early response to hypoxia [26], and following an awake model of transient forebrain ischaemia [50].

Pericyte contractile activity

Pericytes displaying a contracted shape are encountered characterized by numerous deep and shallow invaginations of the nuclear envelope forming notches and folds. In these nuclei the dense basal nuclear lamina is clearly distinguished beneath the inner nuclear membrane, disclosing the pericyte mesodermal origin (Fig. 5).

According to Desaki and Nishida [12], the constriction and/or contraction of microvessels by smooth muscle cells, and degenerated pericytes may be involved in the degeneration and remodelling of the microvascular network in the muscle bundles following degeneration and regeneration of the muscle fibres.

Pericyte endothelial cell interaction

The pericytal processes are coupled to the endothelial peripheral cytoplasm by means of typical macula occludens. At this level, the basement membrane separating both cells disappears and their plasma membranes become fused (Fig. 6).

These macula occludens presumably represent specialized electrical contact sites, where the ex­ci­tability of contracted pericytes can be transmitted to the neighbouring endothelial cells.

The contractile properties of pericytes were formerly postulated by Rouget [60] as a capillary sphin­cter action. The pericytes were regarded by Farquhar and Hartmann [17], and Maynard et al. [47] as primi­tive or modified smooth muscle cells. The contracted pericytes exhibit similar features to those reported by Majno et al. [43] in endothelial cell contraction induced by histamine-type mediators. Presumably, pericyte contraction can be transmitted through the macula occludens existing between endothelial cells and pericytes. This coupled cell interaction could be responsible for capillary sphincter function, as earlier postulated by Rouget [60], and could also be a re­levant mechanism in relation to clinical symptoms of vasospasm and vascular headache. The microfilaments encountered in the pericytal cytoplasm, and identified as actin-like and myosin-like filaments [35,36], are involved in contractile activity. Also, actin and myosin have been demonstrated in pericytes by immunohistochemical methods [52]. Since some fine actin-like filaments are observed attached to the pericytal plasma membrane and the basement membrane surface, it seems plausible that these fine filaments also influence the activities of the pe­ricyte surface and basal lamina. Pericyte contractility has also been reported by Stensaas [65] in the ba­sal forebrain of neonatal rabbits, and Herman et al. [29] in normotensive and hypertensive rat brain, and is considered to play a pivotal role in regulating the blood flow within the brain microcirculation [70].

Hermann et al. [30] examined pericyte-endothelial cell interaction in vitro, and found pericytes rich in muscle and non-muscle actin. Allt and Lawrenson [2] emphasized the interaction of pericytes and endothelial cells and its importance for maturation, remodelling and maintenance of the vascular system via the secretion of growth factors, modulation of extracellular matrix, and regulation of vascular permeability. Hayashi et al. [27], studying the effects of hypoxia on an endothelial/pericytic co-cultured model of the blood-brain barrier, considered that pericytes affect the endothelial cells by secreting factors or through a gap junction.

Dense and clear microtubules appear randomly dispersed throughout the pericyte cytoplasmic body and processes. Our findings tend to favour the idea that the cytoskeleton is also involved in pericyte contraction and enhanced micropinocytotic transport [10].

The pericyte cell role in blood brain barrier function

Pericytes are accepted as responsible for some facets of the blood-brain barrier [14], which emphasize the importance of studying the role of pericytes in the blood-brain barrier system. In traumatic brain injury of short evolution time (24 h), with severe cerebral oedema, the pericytes show, like the en­do­thelial cells, increased vesicular and vacuolar transport, revealing loss of the barrier function of both cells (Fig. 7).

In severe brain oedema of long evolution time, pericytes show elongated micropinocytotic vesicles forming transient transpericytal channels originating from a combined process of membrane fusion and fission. Some of these channels appear tortuous, dilated and directed toward the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum canaliculi (Figs. 8 and 9). Tubular structures connecting the pericytal cytoplasm with the basement membrane are also found, acting as pathways of facilitated transport. Additionally, uncoated micropinocytotic vesicles, and small and medium sized coated vesicles can be observed. Presumably, the actin and myosin-like fila­ments speed up the Brownian motion of micro­pinocytotic vesicles throughout the pericytal cytoplasm.

Pericyte involvement in oedema resolution

Open clathrin-coated and uncoated vesicles are observed connected with the pericyte plasma membrane, and surrounding the Golgi complex area, suggesting a bidirectional macromolecular transport between the basement membrane and the pericyte Golgi compartments: presumably, in one sense, from the basement membrane to the Golgi region, to conduct proteinaceous oedema fluid to be hydrolyzed by Golgi vesicles, as a pericytal mechanism of oedema resolution; and conversely, from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane, as occurs in normal conditions, to provide plasma membrane and glycocalyx structural constituents [10]. Some micro­pino­cytotic vesicles are also observed orientated to multivesicular bodies, presumably transporting proteins to be degraded by hydrolytic enzymes, as a pericytal mechanism of oedema resolution.

However, in some oedematous areas displaying large extracellular spaces and degenerated myelinated axons, the pericytes exhibit an apparently normal morphology, revealing that certain pericytes maintain their barrier function, and are not activated either by the perifocal brain oedema or by the brain injury [10]. Their submicroscopic features clo­sely resemble the pericytal microglia described by Mori and Leblond [51], the pericytes ‘in repose’ found by Baron and Gallego [4] in cat cerebral cortex, and the normal pericytes reported by Dodson et al. [13].

As earlier postulated by Van Deurs [71] for endothelial cells, it is probable that the following events also occur in pericytes in relationship with its oedema resolution role: a) formation of multivesicular bodies and secondary lysosomes by fusion of micropinocytotic vesicles with small hydrolytic enzymes containing Golgi vesicles, resulting in the formation of pleomorphic dense bodies. This may grow larger by receiving more material to be digested from micropinocytotic vesicles and protein containing vacuoles; b) micropinocytotic vesicles and protein-containing vacuoles might fuse with each other, forming large heterophagosomes or endocy­tic vacuoles which may appear as multivesicular bodies; c) vacuoles may eventually receive acid hydrolases from small primary lysosomes and develop into lar­ge dense bodies; d) secondary lysosomes may re­main as residual bodies as observed in complicated brain traumatic lesions, as subdural or extradural haematoma or hygroma [10].

Phagocytic pericytes

In those areas where the blood-brain barrier was severely injured and extravasated erythrocytes were found in the pericapillary space, the pericyte cells revealed phagocytic properties, ingesting whole erythrocytes. Phagocytic pericytes exhibit vacuoles, phagosomes, coated and uncoated micropinocytotic vesicles and lysosomes (Fig. 10). Pericytal phagocytes have been earlier described in normal and pathological conditions [5,6,8,14,19, 45,46,68,69,71].

Pericytes containing lipofuscin granules and lipid granular deposits

Large lipid droplets and lipofuscin granules appeared accumulated in the pericytal cytoplasm, presumably as a phagocytic response to neighbouring perivascular brain parenchyma destruction or de­generated myelinated axons (Fig. 11).

Dense lipid droplets in pericytes were also reported by Torack [69] at the margin of tumours or in areas of perivascular demyelination. These lipid dro­plets or secondary lysosomes exhibit a granular coarse osmiophilic material, and are morphologically different from the large dense bodies, apparently primary lysosomes, described by Lafarga and Palacios [34] in pericytes of rat supraoptic nucleus, and by Mato et al. [45] in granular pericytes. Semchenko et al. [62] described poorly metabolized granules in the pericytal cytoplasm in brain capillaries in brain tumours. Jeynes [31] reported granular pericytes accumulating lipid components in a rabbit cerebrovascular ischaemic model. Tagami et al. [66,67] described granular pericytes acting as scavenger cells in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. According to Perimutter [54], pericytes are implicated in cerebrovascular amyloid deposition. Presumably some degenerated pericyte populations in traumatic brain injuries have increased production of amyloid precursor protein, as observed in degenerated pericytes in human brain cultures [72,73]. According to Lupo et al. [42], amyloid beta peptides may modulate phospholipid turnover in microvessel pericytes.


In human traumatic brain oedema, pericytes exhibit moderate and remarkable oedematous changes, increased vacuolar and vesicular transport, transient transpericytal channels, and tubular structures demonstrating pericyte brain barrier dysfunction. They show nuclear invaginations, actin and myosin-like filaments, and coupled interaction with endothelial cells through macula occludens revealing their contractile properties. The cytoskeleton is also involved in pericyte contraction and enhanced micropinocytotic transport. Human brain trauma induces pericyte hypertrophic and necrotic changes, and phagocytic capacity. Hypertrophic pericytes induce basement membrane splitting. Degenerated pericytes exhibit lacunar enlargement of the endoplasmic reticulum, dense osmiophilic bodies, glycogen granules, vacuolization, oedematous Golgi apparatus, and pleomorphic mitochondria. Open clathrin-coated and uncoated vesicles are observed connected with the pericyte plasma membrane, and surrounding the Golgi complex area, suggesting a bidirectional macromolecular transport between the basement membrane and the pericyte Golgi compartment, and that pericytes contribute to oedema resolution.


This study has been carried out with a subvention obtained from the Biological Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, LUZ, CONDES-LUZ, and PEI Program of the National Observatory of Science and Technology (ONCTI), República Bolivariana de Ve­ne­zuela.


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