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eISSN: 2084-9877
ISSN: 1896-9666
Przegląd Kardiodiabetologiczny/Cardio-Diabetological Review
Current issue Archive About the journal Abstracting and indexing Contact Instructions for authors
vol. 7

Original paper
Aortic valve stenosis among patients hospitalized in the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the University Hospital in Bialystok in 2006-2010

Łukasz Kuźma
Marcin Kożuch
Maciej Południewski
Karol Kochański
Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska
Sławomir Dobrzycki

Przegląd Kardiodiabetologiczny 2012; 7 (2): 122–131
Online publish date: 2012/12/09
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Introduction: Heart defects are congenital or acquired abnormalitites of heart anatomy. Most frequent valve abnormalities i.e. aortic valve stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency have recently been the third most common heart diseases after ischaemic heart disease and hypertension.

Aim: Clinical, biochemical and echocardiographic assessment of patients with aortic valve stenosis. The analysis of comorbidities and pharmacological treatment.

Material and methods: Epidemiological analysis of patients with aortic valve stenosis hospitalized in the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the University Hospital in Bialystok between 2006-2010. Patients were divided into three groups with benign, moderate and significant aortic valve stenosis.

Results and conclusions: Among 226 patients 48% had significant aortic valve stenosis. Aortic valve stenosis was more frequent in men, however it was mainly at benign and moderate stage. With increasing severity of the defect, number of women in the study group have risen. The severity of the defect, assessed by echocardiography, was associated with changing parameters such as left ventricular wall hypertrophy and left ventricle size. Comorbidities such as ischaemic heart disease, a history of myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation presented higher prevalence in the group with benign aortic valve stenosis while chronic kidney disease was significantly more frequent among patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. Drugs such as ACE inhibitors, antiplatelet drugs, anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides were administered according to the severity of the defect.

aortic valve stenosis, epidemiology, echocardiography

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