eISSN: 2084-9885
ISSN: 1896-6764
Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia/Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology
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vol. 3

Positivity bias, fading affect bias and validity of autobiographical memory

Tomasz Maruszewski

Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia; 3, 2: 47-59
Online publish date: 2008/09/17
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Autobiographical memory may be defined as memory of individual past. People are conscious only of autobiographical memories that are constructed from information saved in long-term memory. Autobiographical memories are registered in three distinct data bases referring to life periods, repetitive general events and specific events. There is clear affective asymmetry consisting in more frequent retrieving positive events in comparison to negative events (positivity bias). Functioning of autobiographical memory changes during the course of life. First three years of life are characterized as childhood amnesia. After 50 years effect of reminiscence bump may be observed. People are prone to retrieve data from period between 10 and 30 year of life very easily. Phenomenon of false memory was analyzed. It is stressed that study of autobiographical memory is partly independent of classical experimental studies on memory. Working memory and metamemory studies are also considered.

autobiographical memory, memories, reminscence, childhood amnesia, false memory

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