Termedia Publishing House – the European leader in the indexing of biomedical journals.
Do you want an Impact Factor? Let your journal to be indexed by our experts!

Our assets:
- 20 years’ experience
- high quality electronic tools available online for journals management
- experienced specialists
- individual implementation, 24h support in Polish and English
Our Journals Publishing offer About Termedia Publishing
Publishing offer
Professional publication of journals and periodicals.
Journal publication and distribution services (modules):
- editorial preparation (technical editorship, graphic layout)
- professional proofreading, editorship and pre-publication approval
- cover design (at customer’s request)
- computer typesetting, graphic design and preparation for print
- printing
- colportage and distribution
- journal promotion
- fundraising
- legal assistance – copyright protection
- administrative and finance services

Cost depends on volume, circulation, etc. – a detailed offer available upon a specific enquiry.

Services helping to raise the scientific value of journals:

a) design of highly positioned journal website

b) acquisition of articles for publication in collaboration with the editors (unique methods aimed at promoting journals among scientific community)

c) finding reviewers and foreign authors

d) review panel (author, reviewer management, etc.) – Online Submission System – an on-line application assisting in acquisition and reviewing articles in scholarly/scientific journals. Complete management of articles submitted for publication until approval for print in a journal or rejection. Also available: approval of proofs and receipt of payment for publication by means of electronic systems (e.g. PayPal). Intuitive interface, easy to use by all authors. System functions meet the requirements defined by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and international index databases for scholarly/scientific journals

e) preparation of final article versions in XML – format required by Medline and ProQuest, and mXML – format required by Pubmed Central

f) journal promotion, e.g.:
i. mailings to profiled readership
ii. promotion at conferences, congresses (nearly 50 events annually)
iii. advertisements in other scholarly/scientific journals
iv. promotion on international thematic portals
v. promotion at international conferences, also in the most important scientific centres in the world
vi. active support (also technical) in journal listing and indexation in scientific databases and services (e.g. Thomson Reuters Scientific tools [Web of Science, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents], Medline, Pubmed/Pubmed Central, ProQuest, Scopus, Embase, Biobase, MNiSW, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Chemical Abstracts CAS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts – CSA, International Pharmaceutical Index) – journal adaptation to the requirements, support in preparation of applications, monitoring of application process until journal acceptance, detailed, individualized indexation policy
vii. effective author citation acquisition policy aimed at obtaining, maintaining and gradual increasing of the Impact Factor value, detailed periodical information about predicted IF
ix. regular preparation and distribution of content statistics published in the journal

Cost depends on the journal’s scholarly/scientific value, volume, circulation, etc. – a detailed offer available upon a specific enquiry.

Need more information? Contact:

Donata Ziolkowska
Termedia sp. z o.o.
e-mail: d.ziolkowska@termedia.pl
Mobile: +48 501 419 572
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