eISSN: 2449-9315
ISSN: 1234-8279
Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology/Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii
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vol. 37
Review paper

Review of the literature on the use of MRI in psychiatry with a focus on schizophrenia and bipolar and unipolar affective disorder

Jakub Majchrzycki
Agnieszka Permoda-Pachuta
Martyna Wachowiak

  1. Centrum Medyczne HCP im. św. Jana Pawła II – Centrum Zdrowia Psychicznego w Poznaniu
  2. Pracownia Neuropsychiatrii Kliniki Psychiatrii Dorosłych UM w Poznaniu
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2021, 37 (2), 137–149
Online publish date: 2021/12/07
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