eISSN: 2081-2833
ISSN: 2081-0016
Medycyna Paliatywna/Palliative Medicine
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vol. 9
Review paper

Hyperhidrosis in palliative care patients

Anna Zasowska-Nowak
Aleksandra Ciałkowska-Rysz

Medycyna Paliatywna 2017; 9(2): 79–83
Online publish date: 2017/10/30
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Hyperhidrosis concerns 16-28% patients with advanced cancers. This troublesome symptom can lead to body dehydration and electrolytic disorders in extreme cases. It also favours formation of bedsores in immobilized patients. Hyperhidrosis can be a secondary symptom of acute and chronic infectious dieseases, neoplasms, hematological, autoimmune and endocrinological disases, as well as undesirable effect of medicines. In palliative care patients the nocturnal sweating, hot flashes and local excessive sweating relating to the local damage of autonomic nervous system are observed. The treatment of hyperhidrosis should take into account education of patient and his caregivers, as well as the treatment of underlying diseases. Anti-inflammatory, anticholinergic and antiadrenergic properties of some medicines can be effective in the symptomatic treatment of hyperhidrosis, but its effectiveness was not confirmed in randomised control trials. Some antidepressants, anticonvulants and clonidine are recommended in the treatment of hot flashes in women with breast cancer.

hyperhidrosis, sweating, nocturnal sweating, hot flashes

Medycyna Paliatywna
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