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Experimental research
The influence of dopamine injected into the lateral geniculate body on flash visual evoked response in rats
Agata R. Plech,
Ewa Herba,
Dorota Pojda-Wilczek,
Katarzyna Makowiecka-Obidzińska,
Stefan M. Pojda,
Andrzej Plech
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Experimental research
The influence of stimulation dopaminergic D1 i D2 receptors in lateral geniculate body by flash visual evoked potentials (FVEP) in rats
Agata R. Plech,
Ewa Herba,
Dorota Pojda-Wilczek,
Katarzyna Makowiecka-Obidzińska,
Stefan M. Pojda,
Andrzej Plech
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Experimental research
The dependence of the range of fusion on some selected functions of the visual system. Part I: study on convergent and divergent fusion
Bogdan Adamek,
Danuta Karczewicz
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Experimental research
The dependence of the range of fusion on some selected functions of the visual system. Part II: accommodation and dominance
Bogdan Adamek,
Danuta Karczewicz
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Ocular albinism in pediatric patients with nystagmus
Agnieszka Trzebicka,
Grażyna Sarti,
Beata Kocyła-Karczmarewicz,
Mirosława Grałek,
Jadwiga Juszko,
Waldemar Szapłyko
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Evaluation of therapy outcome in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction in own material
Ewa Lipiec,
Mirosława Grałek,
Anna Niwald
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
The evaluation of the expression of intercellulare adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) by conjunctival epithelial cells of patients with cystic fibrosis
Małgorzata Mrugacz,
Janusz Żak,
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk,
Jolanta Wysocka,
Alina Minarowska,
Karol Radomski
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Childhood glaucoma associated with Sturge-Weber syndrom – the efficacy of cyclofotocoagulation and other therapeutic methods
Beata Kocyła-Karczmarewicz,
Dorota Klimczak-Ślączka,
Mirosława Grałek,
Barbara Chipczyńska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Concentration of interleukine-8 in tears in patients with cystic fibrosis
Małgorzata Mrugacz,
Beata Żelazowska,
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk,
Alina Minarowska,
Jolanta Wysocka
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Multifocal diffractive intraocular lenses in cataract surgery – preliminary report
Marek Rękas,
Beata Żelichowska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Comparison of contrast sensitivity after implantation of diffractive lens SA60D3 and monofocal lens MA60BM
Marek Rękas,
Beata Żelichowska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Original paper
Results of posterior lamellar keratopalsty
Edward Wylęgała,
Dorota Tarnawska,
Dariusz Dobrowolski,
Dominika Janiszewska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Bilateral Purtscher’s retinopathy associated with acute pancreatitis – case report
Danuta Korporowicz,
Roman Sobecki,
Justyna Żyszko,
Elżbieta Sawicka
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Bilateral Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma (ONSM) – diagnostic and therapeutic problems
Barbara Chipczyńska,
Mirosława Grałek,
Agnieszka Trzebicka,
Wojciech Hautz,
Krystyna Kanigowska,
Dorota Klimczak-Ślączka
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Bronchial carcinoid – a rare neoplasm metastasing to choroid
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Photodynamic therapy of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Intraocular lens power calculation in patients after keratorefractive surgery – personal experience
Iwona Liberek,
Wojciech Kołodziejczyk,
Jacek P. Szaflik,
Jerzy Szaflik
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Case report
Tick inoculation in an eyelid region: report on five cases with one complication of the orbital myositis associated with Lyme borreliosis
Heinrich Holak,
Nikolai Holak,
Małgorzata Huzarska,
Sophie Holak
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous – developmental anomaly of the eye in children
Krystyna Kanigowska,
Mirosława Grałek,
Dorota Klimczak-Ślączka,
Małgorzata Seroczyńska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
The place of filtration surgery in the treatment of adult onsets of primary glaucomas
Maria Hanna Niżankowska
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
A new approach towards giant cell arteritis
Iwona Obuchowska,
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Ischemic optic neuropathy. Pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostics and treatment
Iwona Obuchowska,
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Anatomical and physiological essentials of the blood supply of the optic nerve
Iwona Obuchowska,
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Multifocal intraocular lenses
Beata Żelichowska,
Marek Rękas,
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Retinoblastoma update – management and classification (part I)
Arkadiusz Pogrzebielski,
Carol L. Shields,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon,
Jerry A. Shields
Online publish date: 2006-06-25
Review article
Retinoblastoma update – therapy (part II)
Arkadiusz Pogrzebielski,
Carol L. Shields,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon,
Jerry A. Shields
Online publish date: 2006-06-25