eISSN: 2081-2841
ISSN: 1689-832X
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy
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vol. 10
Original paper

Plan reproducibility of intraoperatively custom-built linked seeds compared to loose seeds for prostate brachytherapy

Tomoya Kaneda
Toshio Ohashi
Masanori Sakayori
Shinya Sutani
Shoji Yamashita
Tetsuo Momma
Shinichi Takahashi
Takashi Hanada
Naoyuki Shigematsu

J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018; 10, 4: 291–296
Online publish date: 2018/08/31
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Few studies have compared the implant quality of linked and loose seeds for prostate brachytherapy. This study aimed to evaluate and compare plan reproducibility of intraoperatively built custom linked seeds and loose seeds for prostate brachytherapy.

Material and methods
Between December 2010 and March 2014, 76 localized prostate cancer patients received Iodine-125 brachytherapy with external beam radiotherapy. Linked and loose seeds were implanted in 39 and 37 patients, respectively. The primary endpoint was the mean (± standard deviation) of the absolute change in the minimum dose received by 90% of the prostate volume between intraoperative and post-operative planning (ΔD90) to confirm plan reproducibility. Comparisons between the groups were evaluated using 2-sample t tests.

The ΔD90 values were 6.95 ± 11.6% and –0.41 ± 8.5% for the loose and linked seed groups, respectively (p < 0.01). The linked seed group showed decreased post-operative D90 (118.8% vs. 127.2%), V150 (51.7% vs. 66.7%), and RV100 (0.44 ml vs. 0.61 ml) compared to the loose seed group (p < 0.01), whereas lung migration tended to be reduced (0% vs. 8%).

The plan reproducibility of the linked seed group was better than that of the loose seed group. Moreover, the linked seed group showed less migration and lower rectal dose.


brachytherapy, dosimetry, linked seed, migration, prostate cancer

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