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Sense of coherence (SOC) and social support received by women after mastectomy

Breast cancer is not only a medical but also a social problem due to the emotional significance attached to female breasts (attribute of womanhood, symbol of maternity) and the fear of the mutilating procedure of mastectomy. One of the factors that influence one’s ability to cope with the difficult situation resulting from the illness as well as with stress is sense of coherence (SOC). SOC allows one to understand the relationship between the support received by an ill person and their health. A high level of SOC allows patients to see the meaning in life, to believe in life’s order and predictability, which in turn makes them want to be healthy and fully functional. One of the external resources that influence one’s health is social support. The purpose of the study was to assess SOC and the meaning of social support received by women after mastectomy as a determinant of regaining optimum health.
Redaktor prowadzący:
dr n. med. Katarzyna Stencel - Oddział Onkologii Klinicznej z Pododdziałem Dziennej Chemioterapii, Wielkopolskie Centrum Pulmonologii i Torakochirurgii im. Eugenii i Janusza Zeylandów w Poznaniu
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