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Na EULAR zaprezentowano filmowe poradniki dla chorych opracowane przez Instytut Reumatologii

Na kongresie EULAR 2014 w Paryżu zostały zaprezentowane filmowe poradniki dla chorych przygotowane przez Instytut Reumatologii w ramach inicjatywy „Żyj lepiej, starzej się pogodnie”. Informacja o inicjatywie Instytutu znalazła się w oficjalnym serwisie prasowym Kongresu:
(…) The Institute of Rheumatology in Warsaw, Poland has created a series of video-guides for people with rheumatic diseases and their relatives to provide simple tips and advice on how to make life with one of these conditions easier.

Using the World Arthritis Day 2013 slogan "Living better, ageing well", these educational videos consist of five films: Kitchen of the rheumatic person, Bathroom for the rheumatic person, rheumatic person out shopping, rheumatic person on the stairs and rheumatic person in the car.

Speaking today at EULAR 2014, Ms. Jolanta Grygielska from the Department of Epidemiology And Health Promotion of Rheumatic Diseases at the Institute said, “minimising disability is the most important objective for people living with rheumatic diseases. Adaptation of the rheumatic patient’s environment to suit their needs and abilities is very important to reduce the impact on their quality of life.

“Video-guides are an easy and useful tool for health promotion, a good way to communicate with people with rheumatic disease, and to help them cope with the problems of everyday life,” Ms. Grygielska explained.

The videos are available on YouTube and through links on the website of the Institute, on the websites of rheumatic disease patient organisations, and on the website maintained by Institute for Polish patients A second series is now in production, with the first video in this new series, launched last month, focusing on the rheumatic person travelling and addressing the challenge of travelling by city bus with sticks, cane and in a wheelchair (…).

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prof. dr hab. Piotr Wiland – kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Reumatologii i Chorób Wewnętrznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu
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